Saturday, November 15, 2008


Recently, I have become more aware of what internationals go through. I am friends with many and have classes with several. They live through such loneliness. Each time Luis walks into class, I wonder what his life must be like. I know that he misses his family. I can see it on his face. I can see it in the tears that fill up his eyes when I asked about them. But this is the only way that they can have a better life right now. What an unjust world we live in. He is separated from his family so that he can support them. When will Luis and so many others like him get to return home?

This is something that I don't understand at all. This year, my heart has been aching for internationals. I realize that they made this choice, but how many other options did they have? Not too many I would guess. I wish I knew a way to make it better; I know a way doesn't exist. Not in this life anyways. There is only one thing that can bring them hope and escape from loneliness. The hope of a Saviour.
I don't think that I have adequatley expressed how I feel about this. They only thing that I know to say is that my heart aches for Luis and so many others just like him. Oh, that they would see hope that a Saviour can bring into their lives. Yes, they may ache for their families, but I believe that the ache of loneliness would leave.

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